
Software Development

Your technology partner

Stepping into the world of software development can feel overwhelming, especially when faced with complex decisions and uncertainties. At Dark Horse, we make the process simple and efficient. We offer our clients the needed expertise, paired with transparent deadlines and deliverables, turning your vision into a reliable digital product. With us, software development becomes less about guesswork and more about results.

What we deliver

Web & mobile applications

We build top-of-the-line responsive web-based software and mobile apps for Android and iOS, ensuring a seamless user experience across devices.

Enterprise-level software

We design robust software solutions that cater to the unique challenges and demands, prioritizing scalability, security, and efficiency.

MVP development

Streamlined version of your software idea to test the waters, gather feedback, and pave the way for full-scale development.

Website development

We design and develop engaging websites that resonate with your brand, drive traffic, and convert visitors into loyal customers.

Related Projects

Coming Soon
Software development workflow


We get an understanding of the requirements, product goals, target audience, and use cases. While our design team is working on the designs, we constantly involve our developer’s to get their input on technical feasibility.


We carefully go through all the functional, time, and budget requirements together with you. During this stage, we finalize the scope of work, cost, risks, and development schedule.


We split the scope into relatively short digestible iterations - 2-4 week sprints. Each iteration undergoes internal testing followed by the demo.


We rigorously test the product both in-house and with actual users. After launch, we attentively monitor user feedback and swiftly implement necessary adjustments.


The anticipated moment of release. We set up a secure production environment and bring the software to life. Whether you choose to continue our partnership or transition the project elsewhere, we offer a post-release support to ensure a smooth software operation and handover.


Dark Horse consistently offers post-release support, addressing any technicalities and improving the software. This continuous involvement guarantees that the product remains current, efficient, and performs at peak levels.

See other services

Brand identity

We create a captivating digital identity that reflects your brand values and engages your audience. We’ll help you build a strong and memorable brand in the digital world.

Product design

From wireframing to prototyping, our design service optimizes usability and leaves a lasting impression. Enhance your digital products with our expert touch.

Digital marketing

Maximize your online presence with our results-driven strategies. From SEO to social media, we boost visibility and drive targeted traffic.

Let's explore how custom software can help your business.